
How To Repair Granite Chip

Should I Fix the Fleck in My Granite Countertop?

Information technology finally happened… Something chipped your cute granite countertops. When y'all realize the damage that has been washed, your first thought is probably how yous tin can prepare the flake. While that is certainly an option that you have, the real question is whether you should spend the money to get that scrap fixed. Rock Doctor has a petty advice on treatment chipped granite countertops.

How Are Fries in Granite Stock-still

Outset, it is important that you understand how the fleck in your granite countertop volition be fixed. Unfortunately, repairing granite and making it look the way it did before is nearly impossible. To fix a chip in granite countertops, a professional volition come to your dwelling house and make full the spot in with Epoxy. While Epoxy makes the surface flat and even over again, information technology doesn't look exactly like the granite information technology is replacing. Epoxy's sheen is a lilliputian different than granite, and information technology just isn't possible to match the pattern of the granite. It might be actually noticeable that something happened to that part of your countertop—fifty-fifty if the repair-person tries to hide it the best that they can.

Since it is very difficult to make the spot look the way it did before, some homeowners might not want to spend the coin on the repairs. In fact, there are times when it might be best to but get out the chip.

When Should You Repair a Chip in Your Granite Countertop?

The fleck in your granite countertop can e'er exist fixed, but if the chip is in a loftier traffic expanse, it might be a proficient idea to go ahead and get it stock-still to preclude further damage to the countertop. Unrepaired chips could lead to staining, then if you are going to exist working a lot in the area of the chip, information technology is in your all-time involvement to go ahead and have the flake repaired earlier annihilation else happens to the granite.

Sometimes, what you recall is a bit in your granite is actually a much more pregnant problem. For example, fissures and cracks can be more extensive than a small chip. A fissure that goes through the entire depth of the stone (which is rare merely tin can still happen) or a crack in the rock tin can damage the structural integrity of your countertops. If you find a crack or fissure, you will need to contact a specialist to try to repair the damage. In the case that the damage can't be fixed, y'all might need to replace your countertops entirely.

When Should Y'all Leave a Chip in Your Granite Countertop?

If the chip is out of the style, it might be best to simply leave it the way it is. While it isn't ordinarily super expensive to ready chipped granite, information technology tin really add up. Also, if yous know that the await of the repaired granite will bother you, it might be best to simply go out the chip and work carefully around information technology to prevent farther damage to the rock.

Preventing Chips in Your Granite Countertop

The all-time matter y'all can practise for your granite countertops is prevent them from getting chipped in the first identify. While this may seem like an incommunicable job, there are sure precautions that you can take to preclude damage from occurring.

The master thing you lot should continue up with to prevent chipping is keeping your countertops properly sealed. Granite sealers provide a layer of protection for your granite countertops. Even though you probably aren't thinking about chips when you are sealing your granite countertops, it can assist prevent chipping from occurring.

Information technology is too benign to keep your countertops clean. Not but volition you be more probable to notice any damage on a clean surface, but yous tin remove items that could atomic number 82 to etching and staining, as well as other kinds of damage.

When you are putting things on your countertop, you might non be thinking about how heavy the items are. If you are going to put heavy items on your granite countertops, you should do so carefully. Dropping heavy items is one of the fastest ways yous tin flake your countertops. Dragging and moving heavy items across the surface of the stone could likewise cause similar damage.

Keep your countertops clean and safe with Rock Doc's granite cleaning products. Stone Doctor has a total line of products that are made specifically for granite countertops. Check out the cleaner, polish, and sealer to ensure that your granite countertops are e'er looking their very best. Acquire more at or call 913-894-0288.

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